What would you do if your technology stops working?
Businesses use IT to process information quickly and effectively. E-mail, VoIP, laptops, severs and computers are all used by employees to communicate, process and manage information. In order for an office to work efficiently everything needs to be consistently working.
Data loss or corruption can happen from hardware failure, human error, hacking or malware and the impact is significant.
A back up disaster recovery plan (BDR) should be developed in order to recover all your private and vital data. Businesses of all sizes manage huge volumes of data and info. All of it is important. Data loss or corruption can happen from hardware failure, human error, hacking or malware, theft and the impact is significant.
Don’t become another statistic: The odds are against you if you don’t have a BDR plan in place for your business. In today's Threat Landscape, it's not a matter of if your business will suffer a data loss incident, but when. But don’t just take our word for it, the information below illustrates the importance of a Backup and Disaster Recovery plan:
• 60% of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months of the disaster.
• Companies that aren’t able to resume operations within ten days (of a disaster hit) are not likely to survive. (Strategic Research Institute)
• 30% of small businesses admit they have no formal and storage procedures, or do not implement their procedures consistently. (Imation’s Small Business Survey Special Report)
• 55% of small businesses rated themselves as “fair” or “poor” in terms of having a documented disaster recovery plan, or do not have one at all.
• Review and evaluation of data backup and storage procedures is not a common practice among small businesses.
• 31% of PC users have lost all of their files due to events beyond their control.
• 34% of companies fail to test their tape backups, and of those that do, 77% have found tape backup failures.
• 30% of all businesses that have a major fire go out of business within a year. 70% fail within five years (Source: Home Computing Magazine)
• Hardware or system failure accounts for 78% of all data loss – Human error accounts for 11% of all data loss – Software corruption accounts for 7% of all data loss – Natural disasters account for only 1% of all data loss.
• At what point is the survival of your company at risk? 40% said 72 hours, 21% said 48 hours, 15% said 24 hours, 8% said 8 hours, 9% said 4 hours, 3% said 1 hour, 4% said within the hour. (On track – 2001 Cost of Downtime Survey Results, 2001)
• A single incident of data loss costs business an average of $10,000. (Price Waterhouse Coopers Survey)