Beth Stewart has been part of the Pivotal IT team for more than 10 years. After providing consulting services for SEO, graphic design and social media strategy, she joined the team as a Sales and Marketing Associate.

Her love of technology and thirst for knowledge proved useful in creating content for The Pivotal IT Technology Journal Newsletter, blog posts and social media channels.  Her work expanded into cybersecurity research and the development of our Cyber Defense Workshop as well as designing and creating our client facing materials.  

In 2016, she took on all aspects of recreating the Pivotal IT website and continues to create and maintain the site to provide both off page and on page SEO and timely, relevant information for our clients.  She was promoted to Marketing Director in 2017.

In her spare time, Beth enjoys music, cooking, video games and hanging out with her Golden Retriever and Green Cheeked Conure.